We make products to match our customers’ needs. We support the entire process from the yarns to the products and find a new value called sensibility value.

In Fiber & Textiles Development Dept., we are striving to connect our business seeds and market needs. For that, Technology Development Group, Planning Group, and Sensibility Value Creation Group are working to expand the business network in each area.
To give shapes to unclear requests, we take into account of various considerations such as yarns and products, so we can manufacture the best products.

Creating products which
gives more joy

There are senses which depend on individual subjectivity such as freshness, warmth, comfortableness, and smoothness. Evaluating these senses objectively, we are able to provide a score for each factor. By the industry-academia joint research with a university, we are working for a next-generation fiber manufacturing which has new possibilities.

Development of original new material yarn

We are working on development of original new material yarn based on  sensibility value.
For example, “watanomama” is “air-wearing” image fiber, as it is lightness and slight fuzz of untwisted yarn produced by special spinning method of 100% cotton.We will pursue realization of  sensibility value as much as possible.

Explaining the value

We are seeking everyday how we can explain the high quality our products have. Each product has different features so we need to promote them in a different way. We adopt a proper measuring method for each product and digitalize the information so that the users are clearly informed of the quality.

Connecting our abilities

We connect customers’ needs and our business seeds. To make products that give customers joy, we improve the technology which measures people’s feelings, and utilize the information for manufacturing.
Fiber & Textiles Development Dept. plays a role as a bridge, and makes this possible.

There are several offices in Japan and other countries, and each department is specialized for specific businesses. Through yarns, fabric, and products… We share information that each department has, so that we can analyze it ourselves and apply the ideas from diverse points of view. This is KONDOBO’s new style which helps us create efficient products.


大町工場 今治出張所 アパレル事業部 ランドリー事業部 徳島工場